Why Choose Dr. Stanley-Christian?
Dr. Heather Stanley-Christian is a triple board-certified MD (OB/GYN, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Clinical Genetics).
Dr. Heather Stanley-Christian is a triple board-certified MD (OB/GYN, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Clinical Genetics). All Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists are obstetricians, but not all obstetricians are Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists. Dr. Stanley-Christian specializes in high-risk pregnancies and has knowledge, experience, and compassion you and your baby deserve. With her background in genetics, she can also help you determine whether your pregnancy is at a high-risk or not.
“She is smart, compassionate, and takes time explaining things to patients. She genuinely cares about her patients, knows her stuff, and is willing to teach anyone. Patients love her.”
-Daisy, MFM RN